KPD2024Lampions und Halloweenim Kaufpark Dresden.Schaurig-SchönerGruselspaß!KPD Bubble gelb15:00 Uhr Kinderschminkenund Fotobox18:00 Uhr Lampionumzug mitdem Fanfarenzug Dresden e.V.Magischer Hexentrunkaus limitiertemHalloween-Becherab 15 Uhr26. OktoberKPD Bubble blau2.EditionBecher RZ redu RGB Kopie
20240905 175105 scaled



KPD2024 020 Webseite Shopplan einzeln 08 scaled
KPD2024 020 Webseite Legende einzeln 08
KPD2023 052 Plan Ausweichverkauf Lay Ansicht

Our alternative sale during the construction phase

While the Kaufpark is still under construction, some of our shops are located in alternative sales areas directly opposite the car park of the new Kaufpark. Instead of turning left into the Kaufpark car park, simply turn right to the alternative sales area.

You will find the following shops here:

Kaufpark at a glance

Our shops from A to Z

Shop for everyday needs, shop to your heart's content and experience great promotions:

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